Shan and Lindsey

GlobalGrace missionaries are funded by voluntary gifts from individuals and churches. Your gift supports the ongoing work of this GlobalGrace missionary family.

More about the Mahawons

Shan and Lindsey pastor a church they planted in 2021 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. They have a heart for raising up leaders in the next generation to reach their own for Christ, and do this through their local church, outreaching around the city, and building teams made up mostly of young local people.

Before planting a church, they directed Faith Village Children’s Home in Northern Thailand and pastored a local church there for seven years.  They raised up a team of leaders who managed the home and church when they left to plant the church.  They now house and disciple young men and women who graduate from Faith Village and pursue university in Chiang Mai, supporting them in their transition and discipling them as they become young adults.

Shan and Lindsey have two daughters. As a family, they love to explore new places, try new foods, and watch movies.

Ministry Details

Shan and Lindsey pastor a church they planted in Chiang Mai city.  They focus on the next generation of Thai and Shan people, discipling them and empowering them to reach their own for Christ. 

Ministry Projects

GlobalGrace missionaries lead ministries that best meet the urgent human and spiritual needs of the people they serve. You can help fund these special projects and become a partner in their ministry.


Expanding our children’s area, team office space, and our sanctuary.

Faith Village Graduate Fund

This fund is for children who have grown up and graduated from Faith Village Children’s Home in Thailand to pursue higher education.

Mission Opportunities

GlobalGrace missionaries provide many opportunities for short-term mission teams to join them in their work. You can participate in a life-changing experience by serving as a short-term missionary.