TAN Family

Jason and Donna

GlobalGrace missionaries are funded by voluntary gifts from individuals and churches. Your gift supports the ongoing work of this GlobalGrace missionary family.

More about the Tans

The work of missions has become global. The sending base of missions is from everywhere to anywhere. Motivated by obedience to the Great Commission, the Philippine Church has joined with other Asian churches by sending missionaries to reach and disciple the unreached nations and people groups.

Jason and Donna Tan mentor young pastoral leaders and elders on a monthly basis in order to help them become effective in their ministries. They also provide livelihood training programs and financial literacy for socially vulnerable people. Intentional evangelism is an integral part of this training.

Ministry Details

Jason and Donna Tan oversee and work at the Great Commission Missionary Training Center, training pastoral and mission leaders for effective ministry, both in formal and non-formal educational settings.