Generosity as a Lifestyle

When we think about generosity being a way of life it’s interesting that most people equate generosity with being financially wealthy.

And yet in order to be generous, the Oxford dictionary defines generosity as ‘willing to give someone money, gifts, time, or kindness freely’. Giving gifts, time and kindness are just as important as money.

In Luke chapter 21 Jesus was in the temple with his disciples when a rich man and a widow came to bring their gifts to the treasury. In verse 3 Jesus says ‘Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all’. You see, it's not about the amount, it's the heart behind it.

Generosity is an intentional decision to willingly give to someone else. Society tends to assign importance based on volume or value but it’s interesting that Jesus chose this particular example in the bible to show another way.

Being a widow 2000 years ago was much more difficult than present time. There was no social security to go to for support and I’m sure the widow needed what she gave. But she chose to give knowing that her gift would contribute to helping someone in need.

It’s difficult to adopt a lifestyle of generosity without recognising the many blessings that God has given. When we have a posture of gratitude, it’s a natural next step to want to provide for those in need - whether it is financial, time, gifts or kindness. We are ‘blessed to be a blessing!’ Like breathing, generosity becomes a natural action throughout our day.

When we live a life of generosity it deepens our relationship with God. Our faith is increased when we respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to help meet a need. When you see the impact of your generosity there is an incredible joy and humility that you can’t experience any other way. The smallest action can have the greatest impact!

Living a generous life is also a way to fulfil the great commission - to go into the world and preach the gospel. The well known quote ‘Preach the gospel, use words when necessary’ reminds us that actions speak louder than words. By following Jesus’ example and loving our neighbour as we love ourselves and providing for the needs of the poor and the hurting we ‘preach’ the gospel louder than any words we could speak.

A generous lifestyle is a way of living that reflects intentionally a life touched by God. It is living with ears open to hear the Holy Spirit’s prompting and eyes opened looking for opportunities to give to total strangers, to give repeatedly, and to give often. It requires discipline and wisdom but ultimately it is gratitude in action.

At Global Grace, everything we do is from a posture of gratitude. Gratitude for God’s provision and for the support of incredible people who give of their time, resources and prayers to see God’s message of hope shared with even the smallest people group across the world.

Romans chapter 2 verse 4 reminds us that it’s God’s kindness that led us to a restored relationship with Him and as we choose to adopt a lifestyle of generosity, we choose to point people to Jesus - the way, the truth and the life.


Answering God's Call: Exploring the Journey of Faith


Generosity - What Does it Mean?